What is in the dashboard?


The dashboard contains all communication relevant to you across an account. Check this first at the start of your work day to get an idea of what needs to be done.

To get to the dashboard, click the Dashboard button in the left sidebar.


Things to do

This section contains direct requests for tasks, changes, and approval requests assigned to you


See all of your assigned tasks, and change status directly from the dashboard

<aside> ℹ️ See Tasks for more information on how to create and assign tasks.



Change Requests


See all change requests assigned to you

Clicking on the file here will go straight to the file details view of that file

<aside> ℹ️ See Change Requests for more information on how change requests work.


Review Requests


See all review requests assigned to you

Clicking on the file here will go straight to the file details view of that file

<aside> ℹ️ See Add Reviewers for more information on how review requests work.



Need to stay up to date with different events on the files you are working on? The three notification types will help keep you informed, and allow you to quickly act on any review notes from your team.

<aside> 💡 Notifications are account wide, so you can keep up with all workspaces you work in with your team.

